The first blog hop of August was actually inspired by a reader submitted question. Laurie writes in:
I have been doing embroidery and cross stitching for around 40 years. So I have done quite a few kits and projects and sometimes end up with extra threads, now if I buy the threads that is not a problem, because you can always add to your stash, but if it is a kit what on earth do you do with the bits of thread that are left?
Most kits do not have a thread number. And since most kits give you extra threads so you don’t run short, you end up with lengths of different colors. Have you ever done a project that would use up threads like this. I have thought of trying a sampler and just using the thread in color schemes, you know first pattern row be shades of blue, second shades of red, third shade of yellow etc. But I am afraid it would be a muddled mess.
The theme for Blog Hop #7 is leftover floss and threads.
What do you do with the floss, thread, beads, and other elements you have left over from full project kits?
How To Participate
To participate simply write a blog post on your own blog about the above topic and then at the end include this piece of code to display the link widget.
Including this on each participant’s response makes it easy for readers to “hop” from blog to blog to read about the topic, leave comments, and meet new bloggers.
After you’ve blogged your response just enter the link to your blog post here:
**note** Enter the direct link to your response, not the link to your blog’s homepage. That way blog hoppers will go straight to your response in this edition of the blog hop.
Use our banner (optional):
Including the banner on your post is optional, but appreciated as it helps identify the post as a blog hop posting and links to the category here on the site so others can click through and participate as well. You can just copy and paste this code to display the banner like I have at the top of this post:
Or if you prefer you can just link to the blog hop post from your response post. Either way, a link is always appreciated 🙂
Stitching Bloggers Blog Hop at STNA will be twice a month, on the 1st and 15th of each month. Be sure you’re on our newsletter list and you’ll get a reminder for each posting.
I look forward to seeing everyone’s responses for this round! Happy stitching 🙂
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I am having trouble add the “How Toa Participate” links to my blog. Do you have directions on your blog for this? I was able to get it to work on the last blog hop thru trial and error, but I am having trouble today. An help is greatly apprciated.
It should be just copy and paste what’s in the scrolling text box above into your blog post. Be sure to paste into the “code” blog post screen and not into the “visual editor” screen.
Thanks Loretta for posting my question, I have seen some really great ideas. I don’t usually buy kits (rather have the stash, I have all the DMC colors and various other threads and patterns so many that if I started today I don’t think I could do them all even if I didn’t do anything else. does that stop me from looking, well of course not!) I must have been lucky with my kits they usually have DMC or Anchor thread in them. Although I did get one that way made in the uk that was awful. that I did throw away. Thanks again for posting it, I have found some neat ideas.