I’ve been a bit busy with other work this week and I was feeling a bit disconnected, so I asked on the Stitching the Night Away Facebook page for everyone to post a link to something they posted on their blog this week. That way I could catch up with everyone all in one place. It worked out really well, and I’m thinking we’ll do something like this on the Facebook page once a week from now on because it was fun to see what everyone was up to. Here are a few snippets from around the web…
Michelle over at Ozark Sews n Sews was stitching metallic and more metallic in her stitching update. (I always feel like metallic stitches take longer than other stitches)
Sherry at The Homespun Wife shared a really interesting Home Organizer project that caught my attention (my house is so unorganized!)
Debbie had not just one, but two very nice finishes this week! (Anyone else feeling jealous about now?)
Kirsty is on the hunt for a pregnancy journal that she actually likes, so if you have a recommendation hop on over there and let her know. (I love journaling <3) Nicola at the Obsessive Cross Stitcher kicked some WIP bootie recently ~ (awesome!)
Christine at Made In Scraps shared a freebie finish and has some really cool quilting projects going on too.
Cathy is stitching Folk Eggs on black, and we all know how tedious it can be to stitch anything on black so make sure to give her an encouraging comment on that one.
This was a lot of fun and I feel 10 times more stitchy without even picking up my needle 😉 Thank you everyone for sharing your week with me!
P.S. Have you joined us on Facebook yet? We’d love to see you in the conversations over there.
Thanks for the opportunity! I discovered some great new blogs and got a few new followers for mine!