My geek heart swoons when I see projects like this one stitched by Linda over at
The design was created by Servotron over at the SpriteStitch community, and yes it is available there if you’re interested in stitching this project yourself.

Linda with her finished Pokemon cross stitch project.
==> Check out Linda’s blog post about the big finish where she shares a close up!
She stitched the whole thing in just eight months! Kudos for focusing on a big project from start to finish 🙂
Happy Stitching!
Wow! My 14yr old niece would love a project like this. She’s been collecting Pokemon stuff forever.
Thank you for posting this and linking to the site – I am looking forward to stitching this soon 🙂
I love your stitch!! I don’t really understand how to use the scroll I have always used a loop. I also see that it looks like you have the cloth pre-gridded. Do you think you could do a how to for set up of this project? Eg how big of a cloth should I get, 14 count Aida? I’d really appreciate if. I want to undertake this project but want to make sure I execute well. Thank you!!
I would say stitch using whatever method you’re most comfortable with, whether that’s a hoop, a q-snap, or a scroll frame. Scroll frames can be big and a bit difficult to get used to, so it really depends on how you prefer to sit and what kind of space you have available for your stitching.
As far as size goes, if stitched on 18 count aida it will measure approximately 25 by 14.2 inches. You can always use the fabric calculator to get a better idea of what size fabric to buy depending on how big a project is and how much extra space you want on each side (
Hope that helps 🙂
Thank you!