My Mom was an avid cross stitcher. She was always working on a pattern and I would always get her a new kit for her birthday.
I guess I’m writing this post to tell you how special a cross stitch project is when you’ve lost a loved one. My Mom passed away in August of 2008 .. I can’t believe it’s almost been 5 years. Her illness was a shock as my Dad was in hospice at the time. She passed away four months after my Dad. This was the hardest time in my life.
So … dividing my parents belongings between the siblings, I immediately put this pillow into my “pile” …. I had given her this kit and think it is so adorable! I will cherish it forever.
I have a few other projects and each of my siblings got a few as well. We will forever remember our Mom sitting and enjoying cross stitching.
I think a cross stitch sewn by a Mom, Grandma, Sister … any relative …. is so special .. more special than something store bought, a book, a painting, etc… They sat and stitched and created and now you can look at it and think of them stitching every cross, backstitch and french knot. Cherish it as I do and always will.
Loretta, I have some crocheted items that my Mom did many years ago, that I will always remember her sitting in her room, watching the Braves or the Cubs teams while she was creating something special. She taught herself to crochet, just like I taught myself to cross stitch. I hope that my children and grand-children will remember me in that special way when I am no longer around.
hey, that reminds me of the time I hand painted a t-shirt for my mum. she never got to wear it. she live long after she had the cancer. so, I wear it now.
My mother did stamped cross stitch and mostly crochet. In her later years she went to Senior Citizen Center and there she crochet many lap robes for wheel chair users. The one thing I cherish is what she made me a year before she passed away. At 93, she learned how to knit and she knitted me a scarf. I can still see her face and the joy when she gave me the scarf. Just proves that you are never to old to learn. I wonder how she would have taken to cell phones and computers.
I share your feelings about losing your parents. I lost my Dad long ago and my Mom passed last year. Dividing belongings among 5 of us was a difficult emotional time for me. My Mom taught herself to crochet. She always said that she was ‘never any good at it’ but I value her crocheting most of all. One Christmas she crocheted a tiny angel ornament. She was so pleased with it that she tried other variations. At one time I had over 50 angels in various colors. For many years, I had one Christmas tree that displayed only her angels. Since she passed, I have given many away to family and friends for keepsakes. I still have enough to decorate a small tree. I keep them in a special box. Sometimes when I think of her, I look in the box and remember the enjoyment those little angels brought to her. I close the box and smile knowing that something so small could bring back great memories. Thank you for allowing me to share my thoughts
Thank you so much for the comments! Such special memories we all have! Made me cry a little bit, but in a good way. 🙂
My mother died this past February. As I try to type this, my hands shake so. I haven’t hung any of her pictures up, yet. Of course, I haven’t hung but a few of mine up, and I’ve been in this house 8 years. Notes like yours make me want to get into a stash and get something new made (or finished). I need to coordinate her stash in my sun room with my stash upstairs.
Sharon, I think it will be good to combine your Mom’s stash with yours. I was collecting every color of DMC thread when I started my business and if my Mom’s stash had it, I would would wrap it around the card holder and put a little heart next to the number. My Mom was also a knitter, and I have all of her knitting needles and yarn, but I never learned how to knit. Reading Carmen’s comment, I still have a lot of time to learn! I’m sorry for your loss, it is so hard. Hang in there and have a box of kleenex ready when you combine your stashes!
Wonderful pillow pattern… is this pattern still for sale?
Hi Lisa,
I’m not sure if it’s still available – would have to search around for it. If I see it somewhere, I’ll let you know!