Welcome back to the Stitching Bloggers blog hop! Question #10 has been closed, but you can still pop by and visit the blogs that participated in that round at any time, the links will remain in the post. We had a lot of fun with everyone’s least favorite threads, fibers, and fabrics.
This round we’re going to talk about everyone’s favorite topic, stash….
The blogging prompt for hop #11 is:
What has been your most unusual or most interesting stash acquisition to date?
Maybe you picked up a mystery package during a sale and found something cool inside. Maybe you shopped an estate sale or received a stash-inheritance full of vintage fiber goodness. Maybe you found a fantastic shop on Etsy with amazing supplies (in which case, please tell us where to go shop!)
How to Participate
To participate simply write a blog post on your own blog about the above topic and then at the end include this piece of code to display the link widget.
Including this widget on each participant’s response makes it easy for readers to “hop” from blog to blog to read about the topic, leave comments, and meet new bloggers.
After you’ve blogged your response just enter the link to your blog post here:
**note** Enter the direct link to your response, not the link to your blog’s homepage. That way blog hoppers will go straight to your response in this edition of the blog hop.
Use Our Banner (Optional):
Including the banner on your post is optional, but appreciated as it helps identify the post as a blog hop posting and links to the category here on the site so others can click through and participate as well. You can just copy and paste this code to display the banner like I have at the top of this post:
Or if you prefer you can just link to the blog hop post from your response post. Either way, a link is always appreciated 🙂
Stitching Bloggers Blog Hop at STNA will be twice a month, on the 1st and 15th of each month. Be sure you’re on our newsletter list and you’ll get a reminder for each posting.
I look forward to seeing everyone’s responses for this round. Happy stitching 🙂
Ruby via STNA's Facebook Fan Page says
my first blog hop! i am pretty excited. 🙂