This weeks question is actually for you from me – after all one person can’t possibly know everything there is to know about stitching!
Do you use counting pins while you’re stitching?
I’m one the fence about ordering a set of counting pins for myself and I’m wondering if you use them in your own stitching and how you like them.
Pros? Cons? Must have stitching accessory or just a shiny stash object?
I know we’ve talked a lot about gridding recently and I love gridding for large projects, but I don’t take the time to grid out my fabric for smaller projects (although sometimes I think I probably should) and I’m hoping that some counting pins will help me keep me moving along on my projects quickly and without tons of recounting or errors.
Leave a comment below and tell me what you think…. (and of course I’ll let you know what I order when the time comes ;))
Thank you!
Happy Stitching,

This is an excellent quetion and I’ve been coming back every day to see if there have been answers. I’m interested in what other stitchers do as well. I use the counting pins when finding my starting place; I love to start each project in the upper left hand corner but never thought about using them during the project itself. So as I said, great question and I hope you receive some equally great answers.
I went ahead and ordered a set – well actually two sets – so I can try them out! There was a bit of discussion about using them (or wanting to use them) in the Facebook group that might interest you as well:
Also, stay tuned for an article later this week about how to use counting pins in stitching ~ I think it will clear up a lot of questions folks have about them.