Jan shared this photo of her finished butterflies in the Stitching the Night Away Facebook group recently. She stitched them up as gifts for a weekend family gathering and everyone got to pick one to take home with them! How awesome is that? Each one is different and has it’s own little bit of personality.
Butterfly Stitched by Lisa H.
I love what Lisa did with the words here, great finish! Go find your wings and stitch something fun today 🙂 If you’ve stitched one of my patterns, I’d love to see your finish and include it in the gallery here as well. Drop me a note.
Brushstroke Butterfly Shared by Timothy J on Facebook
I love it when Brushstroke Butterfly finishes come in for the gallery, they’re all unique and so much fun to see.
Brushstroke Butterfly Stitched by Gavin
This very special butterfly was stitched by 9-year-old Gavin as a square for a World of Charity Stitching quilt project. Gavin has been stitching since he was 7 and I’d say he did a very lovely job of it, plus he has great color choices! This butterfly is a free cross stitch pattern available right […]
Brushstroke Butterfly Stitched by Wilhelmina B.for WOCS
Wilhelmina shared this photo with us on the Facebook page of her finished Brushstroke Butterfly square that she stitched for a group quilt project over at WOCS. Thank you Wilhelmina for sharing your work 🙂 Great color choices, it really feels like Spring just looking at those!
Brushstroke Butterfly Stitched by Prithivya
It makes me very happy to add this butterfly to the gallery here. I almost cried reading Prithivya’s email when she shared this picture with me and told me that this was her first cross stitch project! Have a peek and congratulate her on a job well done:
Brushstroke Butterfly Plus a Lovely Quote
The free Brushstroke Butterfly pattern has been stitched in many ways for charities and gifts over the past few years, but I really like the addition of a quote as Nancy has used it here in her gift for a friend… “Just when the caterpillar thought the world was over, it became a butterfly.” -Anonymous
Beautiful Cole’s Quilts Projects Including Free Cross Stitch Patterns from Right Here at STNA
I love it when I’m browsing around the needlework community online and I stumble across a Stitching the Night Away design used somewhere. It really makes me day a thousand times brighter, especially when I see them used in charity projects like Cole’s Quilts and Love Quilts! LindaZ posted these on Photobucket and the 123stitch […]
Another Butterfly from Maggi S. for Cole’s Quilts!
I truly love getting all these pictures in my inbox, so please everyone continue sending them in! This butterfly was stitched by Maggi S. as part of a project for Cole’s Quilts. I love the colors, so much fun! Thank you Maggi for sharing your work with us! ==> click here to get the free […]
Brushstroke Butterfly by Nicola
Nicola from Obsessive Cross Stitcher shared her Brushstroke Butterfly with us and it has a creative twist, she’s making it into a card! What a great idea 🙂 Thank you for sharing your work with us, Nicola! ==> Brushstroke Butterfly is a free cross stitch pattern available here at Stitching the Night Away