Another amazing snowflake finish landed in my inbox. Laurel stitched her fluffy January flake on 16ct “Aurora” by Picture This Plus – and what a gorgeous fabric color choice it is! (making a note to order some fabrics from PTP very soon…) This was our January pattern for the 2013 Ornament Club, if you weren’t […]
January Snowflake Stitched by Tammy
Another snowflake stitched on sparkly fabric, this one was stitched in a variegated purple floss by Tammy on some leftover opalescent aida she had. Ornaments are great for using up those leftover pieces of fun fabrics that you have in your stash 😉 Great fabric and floss choice, Tammy! Thank you for sharing your stitching […]
Blue Snowflake Stitched on Red by Angela
When I posted Angela’s snowflake last week she had mentioned that she planned on stitching a second version on red fabric… well, she whipped it pretty fast – and she’s even finished it into an ornament ready to hang already! She’s way ahead of me on stitching projects for the new year, that’s for certain. […]
January Snowflake Stitched by Angela
I’m sure I sound repetitive, but I really love the beautiful and creative color choices that everyone is using for their snowflakes 🙂 Angela stitched her fluffy flake on 14 count cream aida using DMC 3818 and 816. She plans on finishing this one into the top of a little box and she already has […]
January Snowflake as Stitched by Jen
I had mentioned previously that one of my favorite things in ornament club is to send out a pattern with no floss key or legend and see what sorts of creativity come back in the finished pieces. It’s fascinating how a few little changes can make a design look completely different. This is Jen’s snowflake […]
January Snowflake Finished by Tommye
We just started with our first pattern of the year on the 7th and Tommye finished last night! Stitched using Treasure Braid from Rainbow Gallery (PB10) on Phantom hand-dyed 36 count linen from Picture This Plus. I was so surprised to see the photo posted to our Facebook group when I got home from Dylan’s […]
Christine’s Finished Snowflake Cross Stitch
The 2012 Ornament Club is going well so far and I’ve really been enjoying seeing the finished ornaments when they reach my inbox. Christine finished stitching her snowflake this weekend and posted the picture to our Facebook community. One of my favorite things is seeing everyone’s color variations and Christine stitched her snowflake in red. […]
Laurel’s Cross Stitch Snowflake
Laurel is a stitching machine lately! She sent in this finish of the fluffy snowflake pattern (This is pattern #2 in the 2012 Ornament Club here) I love this fabric ~ just gorgeous! Laurel stitched her snowflake on 16 count Twilight by Picture This Plus using DMC Pearlesent Effects E5200. Laurel also recently stitched the […]