So I’m a horrible friend in general. I forget things, a lot, frequently, and all the time. If you look closely you’ll see the date on the piece is April of 2010. My husband became very ill that month and we missed the wedding. With so many things going on, I set the piece aside and figured I’d finish the beading and give it to them later.
And then, well, life happened I guess. A year later I finished the beading, but I wasn’t sure how soon I’d be able to have it framed. My intention was to give it to them as an anniversary gift, so I put it in my finished project box for safe keeping until I was ready to have it framed. I even blogged the finish here.
(The design is Lace Heart from a Jeanette Crews Leaflet of wedding sampler designs, all the details about fabric and supplies are in my other blog post)
I’m not sure what happened, but I must have been distracted by life between my husband being ill, buying the house, stuff with the kids, and then me being ill, the past few years of life are really just a blur of doctor’s rooms, trips to the hardware store, and a lot of confusion.
I was going through the project box this past week with the intention of pulling out The Raven to measure for framing. There it was, all purple and sparkly and sitting right next to The Raven. In my mind I thought I had already given the finished piece to our friends, but it was staring at me telling me what a forgetful jerk I am.
So I put The Raven back in the project box, he’ll have to wait for my next frame order. I measured and went shopping for a frame. I chose a white frame with heart details and added an off white mat from and waited for the UPS truck to drop it off. It was here the very next day!
Here it is, framed and ready to go:
Not sure if you can see the frame detail, but it has little hearts and details all around the edges. [you can see a corner detail over on the site]
Excuse my awful picture taking skills here, it was night and I couldn’t get a good angle on things and I didn’t realize how shaky my hand was. I would have waited until morning, but I needed to pack it up so my husband could take it to work to deliver to the gift recipient.
That’s one forgetful moment corrected. I’m sure I have hundreds more things I’ve missed or forgotten to do for friends and family over the last handful of years. One day at a time….
It is very pretty Loretta and just a little late for their fifth anniversary! I am sure it will be cherished no matter when it was received!
Loretta, Please don’t feel bad about holding on to it. At least they stayed married for six years. I’ve done a few wedding samplers over the years, hurried to vet them done, and the couples got divorced. In fact one of the couples barely made it a year. In a selfish way I often wonder what ever happened to that piece I put my heart and soul into. Sometimes giving gifts can be painful!
Anyway, after that little side journey, your piece is very beautiful and I’m sure the happy couple will love it. I wish them all the best. Peace and hugs from PA!