Update: Finally Framed with a beautifully made nifty little frame designed to hold an embroidery hoop from Stitch Life Studio on Etsy. This was my last finish for 2011 and I included it in my annual stitching report, but then I realized I didn’t give it’s own blog post and formally declare it finished. So […]
Finished Peace Tree by M-Designs
update: fully finished object! I picked up a silver frame while we were holiday shopping and finally did something with the Peace Tree so it could be displayed for the holidays. I finished Peace Tree by M-Designs the other night during the lunar eclipse. (It was amazing to watch, by the way!) I accidentally deleted […]
Finished Stitching Mill Hill Azul Calavera
Actually finished a thing for my Mill Hill Mondays stitching this week 🙂 At some point I realized I made a tiny mistake, but I made it on both sides of the design, so I totally just flubbed it and stitched around it to make it work 😉 He still needs cut out of the […]
Neglected Floss SAL Biscornus
January Pattern I figured since we’re using neglected threads, I might as well use some neglected fabric too. I pulled this opalescent Silkweaver fabric from my stash to stitch this month’s pattern. The threads are leftovers that were missing their labels. View this post on Instagram A post shared by Loretta Oliver (@retta719) View this […]
Framed and Gifted Lace Heart Wedding Sampler
So I’m a horrible friend in general. I forget things, a lot, frequently, and all the time. If you look closely you’ll see the date on the piece is April of 2010. My husband became very ill that month and we missed the wedding. With so many things going on, I set the piece aside […]
Finished Stitching Capricorn Zodiac Block
I’ve finally gotten back to my morning stitching routine. After everyone leaves in the morning I get my second cup of coffee, turn on Netflix, and do a little stitching before I go to work (which since I work from home is just walking to the office from the living room LOL). I’ve had a […]
Finished Stitching Blackwork Deer Head
All finished stitching the blackwork version of the deer head silhouettes and really pleased with how it turned out. I’ll be turning it into a throw pillow on my next sewing and finishing day. The fabric is a Silkweaver Solo, 32 count Opalescent Lugana. I stitched the outline in 2 strands of DMC 986 the […]
Finished Stitching Joker and Harley
This is a WeeLittleStitches pattern from the Pixel People in Love collection. I’ve actually had this pattern for awhile, but I was missing a color so I hadn’t stitched it yet. Found the color I needed, so I pulled the pattern out and got started stitching it up. I was able to finish it this […]
Finished Stitching Paisley Pumpkin!
This was the Paisley Pumpkin beaded cross stitch kit from Mill Hill: I did all the beading this weekend, so it’s a finish! YAY! I had all the stitching done when I put away last Fall, but I didn’t have the space at home to sit down and work on the beading at the time. […]
Finished My January Snowflake
Actually, I finished it about a week ago, I just needed to get the pictures off the new camera and figure out all the settings and buttons. I’m still not sure where all the settings are on this tiny little camera yet. But, here’s my snowflake, finally finished.