I made some good progress on Pirate Treasure the past few nights stitching a little at a time. You can see the top of the hidden pirate’s hat being outlined here in the lime green color. (I didn’t realize the lighting was weird on this photo until after I uploaded. I blame the stormy weather.)
Progress is Happening Slowly on These Two
I haven’t had as much time to stitch as I’d like to, but I’ve made some progress this week nonetheless. I did a little bit of stitching on Pirate Treasure over the weekend… I love this pattern and it’s coming along nicely, but I think I’m going to put it away for awhile and come […]
Good Progress on Pirate Treasure and a New Start
After a lengthy stitching slump I feel extra productive this week after making some good progress stitching Pirate Treasure and starting a new ornament… Pirate Treasure Progress: Started Stitching Ornament Club Ornament #5:
Picked Up Pirate Treasure to Test Out My No Baste Scroll Bars
This WIP has been sitting in the stash cabinet for awhile. It always seems to get set aside for other projects, though I really do enjoy working on it. After I finished stitching The Raven I wanted to put something on the no baste scroll bars to test out with my E-Z Stitch lapstand from […]
Pirate Treasure – Little by Little
Again, this project is Pirate Treasure: Oak Island Mystery by Lynne Nicoletti. This will be my last update on this project for a little while since I’m going to be working on my entry for the Design an Egg Contest to be done by the end of this month. I might toss this back into […]
Pirate Treasure by Lynne Nicoletti Stitching Progress – one stitch at a time!
I know it’s been awhile since I posted a progress picture, but these days I am pretty slow to make actual visible progress. I remember the days I was miss speedy needle and could whip out a medium sized project like this in a week or two. *sigh* memories. Again, this project is Pirate Treasure: […]
Pirate Treasure by Lynne Nicoletti Stitching Progress – The beginning!
I’ve been promising progress pictures on this one for awhile now – and I’ve honestly been very slow to make any progress, I just haven’t had time to stitch much lately, but here we are now! this is Pirate Treasure: Oak Island Mystery by Lynne Nicoletti. This is has been in my stitching pile for […]